6 research outputs found

    Robomorphism: Examining the effects of telepresence robots on between-student cooperation

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    The global pandemic has stressed the value of working remotely, also in higher education. This development sparks the growing use of telepresence robots, which allow students with prolonged sickness to interact with other students and their teacher remotely. Although telepresence robots are developed to facilitate virtual inclusion, empirical evidence is lacking whether these robots actually enable students to better cooperate with their fellow students compared to other technologies, such as videoconferencing. Therefore, the aim of this research is to compare mediated student interaction supported by a telepresence robot with mediated student interaction supported by videoconferencing. To do so, we conducted an experiment (N = 122) in which participants pairwise and remotely worked together on an assignment, either by using a telepresence robot (N = 58) or by using videoconferencing (N = 64). The findings showed that students that made use of the robot (vs. videoconferencing) experienced stronger feelings of social presence, but also attributed more robotic characteristics to their interaction partner (i.e., robomorphism). Yet, the negative effects of the use of a telepresence robot on cooperation through robomorphism is compensated by the positive effects through social presence. Our study shows that robomorphism is an important concept to consider when studying the effect of human-mediated robot interaction. Designers of telepresence robots should make sure to stimulate social presence, while mitigating possible adverse effects of robomorphism

    Realistisch eng? : de opkomst van de A.I.-generated influencer

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    Influencers zijn inmiddels geen hype meer, maar een bewezen onderdeel van de (content)strategie. Inmiddels zien we een nieuw type influencer; de A.I.-generated influencer, gebaseerd op data en alleen bestaand in de virtuele wereld. Deze influencers zijn dankzij A.I. altijd op de hoogte van wat leeft onder volgers, zijn nooit te moe om nieuwe content te plaatsen, en zullen niet verwikkeld raken in een schandaal, tenzij merken hier bewust opdracht toe geven. A.I.-generated influencers bieden dus veel kansen voor merken. Een belangrijke voorwaarde voor een succesvolle samenwerking is wel dat ze consumenten weten te betrekken en te (ver)binden

    Influencer marketing & retail: 3 insights uit de praktijk

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    Influencer marketing is hot. Steeds meer communicatiebureaus ontwikkelen expertise op dit terrein. Hoe wordt influencer marketing op dit moment ingezet? Wij doen onderzoek naar hoe influencers van meerwaarde kunnen zijn in het algemeen, en specifiek voor de MKB-retailer. In dit artikel bieden we aan de hand van drie insights een how-to voor het inschakelen van influencers

    Mental health, citizenship, and the memory of World War II in the Netherlands (1945-85)

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    After World War II, Dutch psychiatrists and other mental health care professionals articulated ideals of democratic citizenship. Framed in terms of self-development, citizenship took on a broad meaning, not just in terms of political rights and obligations, but also in the context of material, social, psychological and moral conditions that individuals should meet in order to develop themselves and be able to act according to those rights and obligations in a responsible way. In the post-war period of reconstruction (1945-65), as well as between 1965 and 1985, the link between mental health and ideals of citizenship was coloured by the public memory of World War II and the German occupation, albeit in completely different, even opposite ways. The memory of the war, and especially the public consideration of its victims, changed drastically in the mid-1960s, and the mental health sector played a crucial role in bringing this change about. The widespread attention to the mental effects of the war that surfaced in the late 1960s after a period of 20 years of public silence should be seen against the backdrop of the combination of democratization and the emancipation of emotions